Weddings and Receptions

A once in a lifetime occasion deserves the best of everything. You want that perfect dress, caterer and, of course, music.  Add a touch of elegance to your repertoire. With selections ranging from classical to sacred and pop to contemporary, the harp will complete your special day.

Corporate Events

Looking for a different twist on background music for your company event? Then why not consider the unique sound of harp. Create your own intimate atmosphere through soothing music. What’s more, harp is appropriate for any corporate occasion, from small office or client gatherings to large company dinners.

Teas and Luncheons

It’s hard to describe the warm feeling you get when you spend an afternoon with close friends around a cup of tea. Conversations about that exciting trip you just took, your newest grandchild or that promotion that you’ve been looking forward to. How about adding harp background to that special occasion?

Holiday Parties

It’s never too early to start planning for the next holiday event. In fact, while you’re at it, why not consider live harp music? Your guests will be thrilled that you thought of such a unique way to celebrate your holiday.

Special Occasions

Planning a milestone birthday celebration for a relative, co-worker or best friend? Or how about that big anniversary? Add a touch of class to your special occasion with background music on harp. And don’t forget that retirement party you’re planning. Live harp music is the perfect way to tell a long-time employee thanks for his or her contribution to your organization.

Georgia Greer

Joyful Harpist